Executive Summary of Q4 2021 Experiment Review Committee Meeting

The M-Lab Experiment Review Committee met on October 21, 2021. The following is a summary of our discussion.

We gave an update on the transitions M-Lab has made since the Experiment Review Committee (ERC) last met.

  • Moved to CS&S from New America’s OTI as a step towards the project being openly governed through committees such as the ERC.
  • Platform upgrade to container based management which notably improves the process of onboarding and maintaining experiments.
  • Continued to collect a significant amount of test volume and add more server locations globally.

We discussed the goals of the M-Lab ERC.

  • Review experiment proposals and guide curation of what runs on the M-Lab platform
    • Including reviewing current experiments to ensure they’re meeting criteria and/or there’s not a “better” experiment that measures the same thing.
  • Help the M-lab project avoid scientific pitfalls.
  • Champion the M-Lab project and assist in outreach for experiment proposals.

We discussed and agreed upon the following guidelines for committee member participation and improvement:

  • ERC will review proposals quarterly and provide feedback. The feedback could include no requested changes, suggested changes or required changes.
  • New members to the committee will be asked to serve a 3 year term and then will have the chance to renew.
  • A number of current members are open to serving 1-2 more years to stagger turnover (i.e. not all current committee members leaving at the same time).
  • Recruiting members to have greater racial, gender, and geographic diversity is a priority for the committee.
  • ERC membership should reflect the kind of experiments we want to solicit. Members should have a participation commitment to ensure a level of consistency.

We discussed interest in soliciting experiments that can provide or make progress towards the following capabilities:

  • Identifying how the user is connecting e.g. 5G, satellite, etc., while also protecting user privacy.
  • Identifying the bottleneck i.e., is the throughput limited at a peering point, the home wi-fi network, etc.
  • Measuring the performance outside of throughput e.g. a suite of latency measurements: ping times, DNS lookup times, latency under load (for whatever that comes to be defined), etc.
  • Querying metadata about the experiment e.g. what version of the experiment produced the result?
  • Measuring the reliability of a connection e.g. how stable over time.

The following criteria were discussed as a rubric for the approval of new experiments:

  • Want to minimize functional duplication e.g. more than one test that attempts to measure the same metrics.
    • Tests should not interfere with one another.
  • Information should be shareable to the public i.e. our open source and open data requirement should continue to be held.
  • Should have a stated public interest goal that extends beyond enabling a particular business interest.
  • The M-Lab Operations team has an action item to provide a concrete list of platform constraints for experiments.
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