How Measurement Lab’s Open Data can be used during COVID-19

Measurement Lab’s dataset is free, open, and full of data for Internet researchers to study how the Internet is performing under the increased COVID-19 related Internet usage. The DataStudio dashboards below correspond to the internal monitoring metrics we posted last week. They show data about test rate and median download speeds as COVID-19 increased its impact globally. You can read more about what the numbers suggest here, but in summary, they show that:

  • Test volume is increasing
  • Some areas/networks appear to be saturated during peak times

These dashboards use data publically available in BigQuery, which can be accessed directly for free. You can find information about how to access the data here.

We are showing data from New York City, US; São Paulo, Brazil; and India as examples, but the M-Lab dataset has NDT test data from users all around the world, that can be queried for a multitude of specific research purposes. If you need any assistance using BigQuery or understanding what the data represents, please refer to our FAQ or reach out to

Call for researchers

As the world begins to rely on the Internet in an unprecedented way, we’ll continue to measure the Internet, save the data, and make it universally useful and accessible. We will analyze what we can and publish it here as we do, but we can’t do it alone. If you are using Measurement Lab data for your own COVID-19 related Internet research (or otherwise), let us know!, @measurementlab on Twitter.

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